Umbral Fist

Your hand turns jet black and seems to flicker as tiny wisps of shadow constantly leak from between your fingers and disappear.

For the duration of this mystery, you can, as a standard action, make a special attack against any foe within medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft./level). You must have line of sight to the target.

You can make any one of the following special attacks: bull rush, disarm, or trip. For purposes of adjudicating these attacks, make your touch attack as normal, if one is necessary. When actually resolving the opposed roll, however, substitute your caster level for your base attack bonus and either your Intelligence or Charisma modifier (your choice) for your Strength. Because the attack is made at a distance, it does not draw an attack of opportunity that such an attack would draw under normal circumstances, nor can your foe attempt to perform the same maneuver on you in turn, even if such is normally allowed.