Umbral Fist

Your hand turns jet black and seems to flicker as tiny wisps of shadow constantly leak from between your fingers and disappear.

For the duration of this mystery, you can, as a standard action, make a special attack against any foe within medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft./level). You must have line of sight to the target.

Quicker Than The Eye

A faint layer of shadow flows like ink over your hands, staining them pitch black — and then, in an instant, they appear normal once more.

You gain a +5 enhancement bonus on Sleight of Hand checks (which you can now attempt even if you have no ranks in that skill). This bonus increases to +10 at 5th level, and +15 at 10th level. In addition, if you invoke umbral hand, you may attempt Sleight of Hand checks through it.