Crippling Ray

A red ray springs from your hand. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to strike a target. The subject takes a penalty to Dexterity equal to 1d6+1 per two caster levels. The subject’s Dexterity score cannot drop below 1.

Arcane Loading

This spell allows you to load your pistol or crossbow without use of your hands. This spells does not produce ammunition, which must be on your person, and does not speed the time it takes to reload, but it does so without costing you any action to reload the weapon. Any checks to reload must still be made and reloading in melee still cause an attack of opportunity.

Curtain Of Shadows

You create a wall of frigid shadow that blocks vision and wracks all who pass through it with cold.

You create a wall of shadow that completely blocks line of sight. Any creature passing through the walls takes 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 15d6).

Shadow Vision

The subject's vision overlaps the Plane of Shadow, causing him to see flickering images, areas of darkness, and other visual discrepancies with the material world.

You impede the subject’s vision and its ability to determine what’s happening around it. The subject takes a -4 penalty on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks. In addition, you have total concealment with respect to the subject.

Feign Life

You infuse one or more objects with shadowstuff, causing them to animate at your command.

This mystery functions like the spell animate objects, but the items grow dark and warped, becoming more sharp-edged and appearing slightly worn or decayed for the duration of the effect. In addition, objects animated by this mystery benefit from concealment.

Shadow Investiture

You draw the subject's shadow to you and sculpt it into a new shape. The subject warps even as its shadow does.

You infuse the subject with the power contained in its own shadow. This grants the creature resistance to cold 15, the evasion ability, and the ability to see in darkness, even magical darkness such as that created by the spell deeper darkness.