Using the greatest of magic, you peer through the Plane of Shadow back into the Material Plane, and view shadows and reflections of that have not yet happened.
This mystery grants you knowledge of what will occur (or at least what is likely to occur), granting you several benefits. You gain the uncanny dodge ability, a +10 insight bonus on initiative checks (and you always get to act in the surprise round), and a +4 insight bonus to Armour Class.
In addition, you can discharge the energy of this mystery as an immediate action to cause an attack to miss you that would otherwise have been successful. You can declare that you are using this ability after the result of the attack roll is known, but you must do so before damage is determined. Using this ability discharges and ends the mystery.
You can also discharge the energy of this mystery as an immediate action to immediately reroll one failed saving throw. Using this ability discharges and ends the mystery.