Army of Shadow

Reality seems to tear open revealing a dark rift. From the blackness a shadow elemental emerges. The first of many, it is ready to serve.

This mystery functions like the spell summon monster I, except as noted here. You can summon one elder, two greater, four Huge, or eight Large shadow elementals.

Black Labyrinth

The air blackens, the shadows of the alleys lengthen, and the wind shrieks as the Shadow and Material Planes collide.

Black labyrinth causes substantial disorientation within the area it affects. Direction and distance become impossible to determine, as the world itself bends and twists.

Reflections Of Things To Come

Using the greatest of magic, you peer through the Plane of Shadow back into the Material Plane, and view shadows and reflections of that have not yet happened.

This mystery grants you knowledge of what will occur (or at least what is likely to occur), granting you several benefits. You gain the uncanny dodge ability, a +10 insight bonus on initiative checks (and you always get to act in the surprise round), and a +4 insight bonus to Armour Class.

Consume Essence

You reach out and peel the subject's shadow away, then wrap it inside your own.

The target of this horrid mystery must succeed on a Will saving throw or die. If the creature succumbs to the mystery and dies, it immediately returns to life, gains the dark creature template, and is under your control. The creature remains in this state for 1 round per level, and then dies again.


The creature you point at explodes in a massive spray of fire.If the target fails its saving throw,