Truth Revealed

By focusing on the spiritual shadow of the world, you can see hidden truths.

At its most basic, this mystery functions like the spell true seeing. You can also, by concentrating on a particular creature or object for 1 minute or more, gain additional information on that subject. However, because of the distortion between worlds and the twisting effects of shadows, any additional information gained in this manner might be false or misleading. The table below indicates what other mystical effects can be duplicated with truth revealed.

Detect chaos: 1 minute studied
Detect evil: 1 minute studied
Detect good: 1 minute studied
Detect law: 1 minute studied
Detect magic: 1 minute studied
Determine subject’s actions a number of minutes into the past equal to your caster level: 3 minutes studied
Discern lies: 1 minute studied
Learn subject’s greatest fear: 2 minutes studied
earn subject’s greatest love: 2 minutes studied
Learn subject’s name: 2 minutes studied

Concentrating on a specific target requires a substantial amount of time, during which you can only take move actions, and cannot focus on any other target. At the end of this period, the target makes a saving throw against the DC of truth revealed to resist the detection effect. Spell resistance applies to this further detection effect as well. You may not attempt any one effect on the same target more than once per use of truth revealed. Remember that these effects are in addition to the basic knowledge granted by true seeing, which occurs instantly and reliably.