Bend Perspective


You send your vision through shadows and into planar reflections, altering your point of view.

You view the world as though you were standing in a different spot, up to a maximum distance of 25 feet plus 5 feet per two caster levels. You cannot see through solid objects. You can, however, look around corners or over barriers, obtain a bird’s-eye view of your area, and the like. Essentially, you shift your perspective as though you were located at any spot in range to which you have line of effect.

You can switch back and forth between your own eyes and your alternative viewpoint as a swift action. You can move your alternate perspective, as in the spell arcane eye. Its speed is only 10 feet per round, however, and every round of such movement decreases the mystery’s duration by 1 minute (if you move the perspective in the last minute of the duration, you gain a few seconds of vision at the new position before the effect expires).