Army of Shadow

Reality seems to tear open revealing a dark rift. From the blackness a shadow elemental emerges. The first of many, it is ready to serve.

This mystery functions like the spell summon monster I, except as noted here. You can summon one elder, two greater, four Huge, or eight Large shadow elementals.

Ephemeral Image

You detach your own shadow and animate it with extraplanar energies, creating a dark-hued hazy duplicate of yourself.

This mystery functions like the spell project image, except as noted above. In addition, the image that you project has concealment unless it is in direct sunlight or within the area of a daylight spell.

Curtain Of Shadows

You create a wall of frigid shadow that blocks vision and wracks all who pass through it with cold.

You create a wall of shadow that completely blocks line of sight. Any creature passing through the walls takes 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 15d6).

Thoughts Of Shadow

You open your subject's mind to shadow, and the new perceptions it offers.

You grant the subject a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. You decide which ability you are enhancing when you cast the mystery, and you may not later alter your choice.

Quicker Than The Eye

A faint layer of shadow flows like ink over your hands, staining them pitch black — and then, in an instant, they appear normal once more.

You gain a +5 enhancement bonus on Sleight of Hand checks (which you can now attempt even if you have no ranks in that skill). This bonus increases to +10 at 5th level, and +15 at 10th level. In addition, if you invoke umbral hand, you may attempt Sleight of Hand checks through it.

Bend Perspective

You send your vision through shadows and into planar reflections, altering your point of view.

You view the world as though you were standing in a different spot, up to a maximum distance of 25 feet plus 5 feet per two caster levels. You cannot see through solid objects. You can, however, look around corners or over barriers, obtain a bird’s-eye view of your area, and the like. Essentially, you shift your perspective as though you were located at any spot in range to which you have line of effect.

Clinging Darkness

Shadow oozes out of the floors, the walls, even the air, filling the area with wisps of writhing blackness. Creatures within the area become coated in these clinging shadows.

Any creature within the area affected by this mystery, or that enters the area on its turn, must make a Reflex save or become immobilized.