Tomb Of Night

You temporarily banish your foe to the depths of shadows.

This mystery functions like the mystery prison of night, except that instead of taking Constitution damage upon failing a Fortitude saving throw to escape the prison, the creature gains one negative level. In addition, tomb of night deals 3d6 points of cold damage per round.

Prison Of Night

You solidify extraplanar shadow, creating a solid prison of darkness.

This mystery immobilizes the subject in a prison of shadowstuff. This prison blocks both line of effect and line of sight to the creature inside it, and is impenetrable from the outside. The creature inside the prison takes 1d6 points of cold damage at the beginning of each round that it remains inside the prison.

Deadly Shade

Tendrils of darkness flow from the ground like smoke, filling the area with writhing, shifting darkness. A cold draft washes over your soul even as the tendrils rise.

The area of deadly shade is filled with shadowy illumination, as per darkness. In addition, each time you invoke this mystery, decide if you wish the spell to deal or absorb damage.


Calling upon the venomous powers of natural predators, you infect the subject with a horrible poison