Muhael's Kinetic Dampener

You create a reactive bubble of force that surrounds the target creature, which applies a significant opposing impulse to any attacks by or against the affected creature. Any physical damage rolls by or against the target creature are reduced by 1 per caster level, to a minimum of 1, and any critical hits rolled are negated.

Muhael’s Spell Suppressor

With a rapid utterance and a flick of the wrist, you create a fleeting suppression field that can interrupt and deaden magical effects as they are being cast. This spell has two versions, depending on the type of spell that you are trying to suppress.

Muhael’s Kinetic Dampener

You create a reactive bubble of force that surrounds the target creature, which applies a significant opposing impulse to any attacks by or against the affected creature. Any physical damage rolls by or against the target creature are reduced by 1/caster level, to a minimum of 1, and any critical hits rolled are negated.