V, S
1 immediate action
Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
See text

With a rapid utterance and a flick of the wrist, you create a fleeting suppression field that can interrupt and deaden magical effects as they are being cast. This spell has two versions, depending on the type of spell that you are trying to suppress.

  1. vs. Spell that targets creature(s):
    • Against targeted spells such as burst, ray, and touch spells, you may choose one affected target of the interrupted spell per four caster levels. Make a dispel check for each chosen target. A successful check grants the target +10 on the saving throw vs the spell.
  2. vs. Spells that targets an area:
    • Against area spells such as a spread or a line spell, you make a single dispel check. If successful, you may remove one 5ft square per two caster levels from the interrupted spell. If the interrupted spell is of instantaneous duration, such as fireball, then any creatures standing in the suppressed squares still take 75% of the damage, as significant amount of energy still radiates inward.