Shadow Vision

The subject's vision overlaps the Plane of Shadow, causing him to see flickering images, areas of darkness, and other visual discrepancies with the material world.

You impede the subject’s vision and its ability to determine what’s happening around it. The subject takes a -4 penalty on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks. In addition, you have total concealment with respect to the subject.

Aura of Shade

The environment grows immediately more comfortable as you surround yourself with an aura of protective shadow.

You protect the subject from low temperatures and cold energy with a thin layer of that energy’s shadowy reflection. This grants the subject immunity to normal extremes of temperature and absorbs cold damage from attacks and effects. When an aura of shade absorbs a total of 12 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 120), it expires.

Step Into Shadows

You transport yourself through the Plane of Shadow to any spot within range. Your shadow stretches out from you until it reaches your chosen destination, passing through solid objects and moving independently of the ambient light. You appear to fall into your shadow at one end, and raise from it at the another.

This mystery functions like the spell dimension door.

Fearful Gloom

Plumes of blackness swiftly fill the air like a viscous fog. The shifting of shadow and mists just barely suggests the presence of screaming faces and indescribable horrors lurking in the dark.


By linking the creature touched and the Plane of Shadow, you temporarily trade some of its traits for more potent ones belonging to creatures of that shady realm.

You grant the subject 5 temporary hit points for each of its Hit Dice (maximum 75). For the duration of the effect, the subject’s shadow grows larger than normal, and its movements are very slightly uncoordinated with those of the subject. An observer can notice this characteristic by making a DC 20 Perception check.

Warp Spell

You reach out with shadowy energies, banishing your foe's spell or mystery into the Plane of Shadow, while replacing it with its dark reflection.

You can cast this mystery as an immediate action to warp another caster’s spell or mystery. In this case, warp spell must be used at the moment of the other caster’s casting. To be successful, you must beat the other caster on an opposed caster level check (1d20 + caster level). If you do not, you have failed to take control of his or her spell or mystery, and it manifests normally.

Muhael's Kinetic Dampener

You create a reactive bubble of force that surrounds the target creature, which applies a significant opposing impulse to any attacks by or against the affected creature. Any physical damage rolls by or against the target creature are reduced by 1 per caster level, to a minimum of 1, and any critical hits rolled are negated.

Muhael’s Spell Suppressor

With a rapid utterance and a flick of the wrist, you create a fleeting suppression field that can interrupt and deaden magical effects as they are being cast. This spell has two versions, depending on the type of spell that you are trying to suppress.