Second tier of Shadowcaster's mystery

Quicker Than The Eye

A faint layer of shadow flows like ink over your hands, staining them pitch black — and then, in an instant, they appear normal once more.

You gain a +5 enhancement bonus on Sleight of Hand checks (which you can now attempt even if you have no ranks in that skill). This bonus increases to +10 at 5th level, and +15 at 10th level. In addition, if you invoke umbral hand, you may attempt Sleight of Hand checks through it.

Killing Shadows

Your eyes turn black and shoot forth a shadowy cone of punishment.

Creatures within a cone of killing shadows take 1d8 points of damage per caster level (maximum 10d8), or half that amount on a successful Will save.

Bend Perspective

You send your vision through shadows and into planar reflections, altering your point of view.

You view the world as though you were standing in a different spot, up to a maximum distance of 25 feet plus 5 feet per two caster levels. You cannot see through solid objects. You can, however, look around corners or over barriers, obtain a bird’s-eye view of your area, and the like. Essentially, you shift your perspective as though you were located at any spot in range to which you have line of effect.


You flash through the conduits and pathways of the Plane of Shadow, manifesting in multiple locations in the real world.

Once per round, as an immediate action, you can instantly transfer yourself from your current location to any other spot within a distance of 5 feet per two caster levels. You always arrive at exactly the spot desired—just as with the spell dimension door. If you cast flicker in response to an attack against you, the strike has a 50% miss chance.

Voice Of Shadow

By speaking via a conduit on through the Plane of Shadow, you deliver a commanding message.

This mystery functions like the spell command.
A second function is a necromancy effect. Undead and constructs that fail their saving throw against this effect are dazed for 1 round.
You can only use one version of this mystery in a single casting.

Clinging Darkness

Shadow oozes out of the floors, the walls, even the air, filling the area with wisps of writhing blackness. Creatures within the area become coated in these clinging shadows.

Any creature within the area affected by this mystery, or that enters the area on its turn, must make a Reflex save or become immobilized.