Dark Soul

You open the subject's mind to the Plane of Shadow, altering its personality.

You turn the dark energies from the Plane of Shadow upon another creature, compelling it to act in ways that it normally would not. While this effect is active, you can use a standard action to focus the shadow energies on one living creature within 30 feet that you select. The creature must succeed on a Will saving throw (DC 17 + your Cha modifier) or immediately make a melee attack against one target within its reach.

Killing Shadows

Your eyes turn black and shoot forth a shadowy cone of punishment.

Creatures within a cone of killing shadows take 1d8 points of damage per caster level (maximum 10d8), or half that amount on a successful Will save.

Consumptive Field, Greater

This spell functions like consumptive field, except maximum bonus to Strength is +8, and that the field affects all creatures in the area with 9 hit points or fewer. Such creatures that fail their saving throws die, and creatures that fall to 9 hit points or lower in the area after the spell is cast are likewise subject to its effect.

Consumptive Field

Sweeping your arm about and clutching it to your chest, you draw the last breaths of fallen foes from their choking mouths and inhale them to fuel your own power.