Ray of Wounding

A ray lashes out from your palm; the ray is colorless, but the air shimmers in its wake, as if in a heat mirage. The ray deals 1d8 points of damage and causes a bleeding wound that causes an additional point of damage each round for a number of rounds equal to your level. The damage is bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing (your choice at the time of casting).

Shadow Storm

From a sudden rift into the Plane of Shadow, a cold wind begins to blow. Torrents of shadow arc out, draining the life from nearby creatures.

This mystery creates a blast of electricity and cold energy, much like some of the most fearsome weather found on the Plane of Shadow. The storm strikes one target initially, then arcs to other targets.

Dusk And Dawn

By drawing shade from the Plane of Shadow, or banishing shadows back to it, you control the level of illumination in the area.

You make a dark area lighter or a light area darker, blanketing the affected area in shadowy illumination. Creatures with darkvision can see through this area normally.

Black Candle

You draw on extraplanar shadow or banish existing shadows to let in the light.

This mystery functions like the spell light or the spell darkness. Only one of these effects is possible per use, and you must decide which effect is desired when casting.

Arrow of Dusk

A bolt of shadow springs from your hand, draining vitality where it strikes.

You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to deal 2d4 points of nonlethal damage to the target. If you score a critical hit, triple the damage.

Forceful Hand

A giant hand made of force appears and immediately follows your will. It can attack, aid another, bull rush, disarm, grapple, trip, ready to distract spellcasting, provide cover, or whatever else you have in mind. It has hit points equal to your maximum hit points, and its AC is 10 + your caster level -1 for being Large. Its Strength score is equal to your casting stat. Its attack roll is d20 + your caster level + its Strength modifier -1 for being Large. It deals damage equal to 1d8 + its Strength modifier.