Soul Puppet

Tendrils of shadow creep from your fingers, through the Plane of Shadow, and into the soul of the subject by way of its own shadow. You now control the creatures actions as if it were a puppet.

Consume Essence

You reach out and peel the subject's shadow away, then wrap it inside your own.

The target of this horrid mystery must succeed on a Will saving throw or die. If the creature succumbs to the mystery and dies, it immediately returns to life, gains the dark creature template, and is under your control. The creature remains in this state for 1 round per level, and then dies again.


Reaching into the shadow of the creature, you grasp the shadows of the deleterious things that affect it and tear them away.

Aura of Shade

The environment grows immediately more comfortable as you surround yourself with an aura of protective shadow.

You protect the subject from low temperatures and cold energy with a thin layer of that energy’s shadowy reflection. This grants the subject immunity to normal extremes of temperature and absorbs cold damage from attacks and effects. When an aura of shade absorbs a total of 12 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 120), it expires.


By linking the creature touched and the Plane of Shadow, you temporarily trade some of its traits for more potent ones belonging to creatures of that shady realm.

You grant the subject 5 temporary hit points for each of its Hit Dice (maximum 75). For the duration of the effect, the subject’s shadow grows larger than normal, and its movements are very slightly uncoordinated with those of the subject. An observer can notice this characteristic by making a DC 20 Perception check.

Thoughts Of Shadow

You open your subject's mind to shadow, and the new perceptions it offers.

You grant the subject a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. You decide which ability you are enhancing when you cast the mystery, and you may not later alter your choice.

Umbral Touch

Darkness surrounds your hand, turning it into a deadly weapon.

Umbral touch infuses one of your hands with dark, shadowy energy, allowing you to make debilitating melee touch attacks. A successful strike deals 5d6 points of damage to a target, which must succeed on a Fortitude saving throw or also be slowed. While this mystery is active, you threaten an area as if you were armed and can make attacks of opportunity with your umbral touch.

Flesh Fails

You open your enemy to the darkness, trading his physical attributes for weaker belonging to creatures of shadow.

You deal either 4 points of Strength damage, 4 points of Dexterity damage, or 2 points of Constitution damage to the subject; you choose which kind of ability damage when you cast the mystery.