Stealth Shot

Your next ranged attack with a ranged weapon is completely silent, and gives no sound when fired. Neither the firing of the weapon, nor the impact of its ammunition causes a sound. Furthermore, if hit, any immediate sound from the target, such as a scream, shout, or the fall of a body, is silenced. This silencing effect ends after the bullet hits.

Ray of Wounding

A ray lashes out from your palm; the ray is colorless, but the air shimmers in its wake, as if in a heat mirage. The ray deals 1d8 points of damage and causes a bleeding wound that causes an additional point of damage each round for a number of rounds equal to your level. The damage is bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing (your choice at the time of casting).

Crippling Ray

A red ray springs from your hand. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to strike a target. The subject takes a penalty to Dexterity equal to 1d6+1 per two caster levels. The subject’s Dexterity score cannot drop below 1.

Arcane Loading

This spell allows you to load your pistol or crossbow without use of your hands. This spells does not produce ammunition, which must be on your person, and does not speed the time it takes to reload, but it does so without costing you any action to reload the weapon. Any checks to reload must still be made and reloading in melee still cause an attack of opportunity.

Fandral's Expertise

Master's touch is a spell often found in the repertoire of adventurers who specialize in casting arcane spells. You gain proficiency with a single weapon or shield you hold in your hands when the spell is cast. The lack of a somatic component means the spell can be cast in the middle of a fight while you keep ready whatever items stand between you and danger.

Muhael's Sentry Bird

This spell summons a tiny spectral bird that keeps a lookout over the warded area. The creatures attempting to sneak through or into the area must beat the bird's Perception check with their Stealth check, or be noticed by the bird. If the bird detects an intruder, it chirps loudly to notify the caster. The bird has Perception check equal to the caster's caster level.

Forceful Hand

A giant hand made of force appears and immediately follows your will. It can attack, aid another, bull rush, disarm, grapple, trip, ready to distract spellcasting, provide cover, or whatever else you have in mind. It has hit points equal to your maximum hit points, and its AC is 10 + your caster level -1 for being Large. Its Strength score is equal to your casting stat. Its attack roll is d20 + your caster level + its Strength modifier -1 for being Large. It deals damage equal to 1d8 + its Strength modifier.