Flood Of Shadow

You inundate the area with strange energies from the Plane of Shadow, warping the effects of magic.

A flood of mystical shadow-power renders casting more difficult. To cast most spells while in, or into, an area affected by flood of shadow, the caster must succeed on a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell level), or the spell is lost with no effect.

Echo Spell

Even as you recoil from your enemy's spell, you reach into the Plane of Shadow and draw forth the spiritual reflection of that spell. With a grin you manifest it in the physical world and hurl it back at him.

Warp Spell

You reach out with shadowy energies, banishing your foe's spell or mystery into the Plane of Shadow, while replacing it with its dark reflection.

You can cast this mystery as an immediate action to warp another caster’s spell or mystery. In this case, warp spell must be used at the moment of the other caster’s casting. To be successful, you must beat the other caster on an opposed caster level check (1d20 + caster level). If you do not, you have failed to take control of his or her spell or mystery, and it manifests normally.