Mesmerizing Shade

Shadows flicker before the eyes and in the mind of the subject creature, which suddenly seems to be disoriented.

Shadow flickers around the subject, distracting and dazing him or her. The subject can avoid the daze effect with a successful Will saving throw, but instead takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls, checks, and saves.

Afraid Of The Dark

A shadowy image of your foe appears before him and reaches out to clutch him before vanishing.

You draw forth a twisted reflection of your foe from the Plane of Shadow. The image unerringly touches the subject, causing Wisdom damage equal to 1d6 points +1 point per four caster levels (maximum +5). A Will saving throw halves the Wisdom damage.

Thoughts Of Shadow

You open your subject's mind to shadow, and the new perceptions it offers.

You grant the subject a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. You decide which ability you are enhancing when you cast the mystery, and you may not later alter your choice.