V, S, F
1 standard action
Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
One creature or object
Will half; then Fortitude negates; see text

You manipulate the magical aura of a creature or object, creating a damaging feedback reaction of arcane power.

This spell acts as a targeted dispel magic, and the target takes 2d6 points of damage per spell level of each spell or spell-like ability dispelled.

For example, a creature who is hasted (3rd level), flying (3rd level), and protected by a stoneskin spell (4th-level wizard version) takes 20d6 points of damage if all of its buffs are dispelled (Will save for half ).

In addition, any creature that has at least one spell dispelled must then succeed on a Fortitude save or be dazed for 1 round.

Only spells specifically targeted on the creature in question can be used to create the backlash of a reciprocal gyre, so spells that affect an area (such as invisibility sphere and solid fog) can't be used to deal reciprocal damage to creatures within their area.

Likewise, persistent or continuous effects from magic items can't be used to deal reciprocal damage, but targeted spell effects can be--for example, the magic of a cloak of resistance can't be used by reciprocal gyre, but a spell cast by a wand of invisibility could be.

Material Component: A tiny closed loop of copper wire.