V, S, F
1 standard action
Creature touched
1 hour/level or until discharged
Will negates (harmless)
Yes (harmless)
A ring of ghostly fog surrounds the target's head.

With a swirl, the fog dissipates, leaving behind a crown made of human bones.

This spell creates a magic crown that grants its wearer the power to command undead.

Once per minute, the crown's wearer can issue a one-word order to an undead creature, as per the command spell.

The undead creature must make a Will save to resist this effect.

Even though command is normally a mind-affecting spell, the crown channels holy or unholy energy (depending on your alignment; neutral casters choose one or the other) to compel obedience.

In addition, a cleric who wears the crown can expend a use of his turn or rebuke undead ability to increase this ability's save DC by 4.

As an immediate action, the creature wearing a crown of the grave can discharge its magic to gain a +4 bonus on a single turn or rebuke undead attempt.

The spell ends after the wearer uses the crown in this manner.

The crown occupies space on the body as a headband, hat, or helm.

If the crown is removed, the spell immediately ends.

Material Component: A pinch of grave dirt.

Focus: A wooden hoop 6 inches in diameter.