One with the powers of darkness, you learn to abandon your body. When you use this ability, you becomes a swarm of Diminutive, batlike shadows that fills two 10-foot squares (or eight contiguous 5-foot squares, shapeable as you desire). While in this form, the invoker gains the following:
may only take Move Actions
Strength score becomes 1
+6 bonus to Dexterity
all Armor & Natural Armor bonuses to AC are suppressed
receive a +4 Size bonus to AC
receives a Deflection bonus to AC equal to the invoker's Charisma modifier
Fly speed 40'
able to pass through openings as a Diminutive-sized creature could
any creature in the invoker's spaces at the end of the invoker's turn takes 4d6 damage, which is treated as 'magic' and has the same alignment as the invoker
any creature in the invoker's spaces at the beginning of the creature's turn is Nauseated for 1 round (Fort save negated)
spellcasting within the invoker's spaces requires a Concentration check (DC = 20 + spell level)
all of the invoker's possessions are absorbed into the swarm and have their abilities suppressed
ot subjected to critical hits, flanking, weapon damage, being tripped, grappled, bull rushed, etc.
immune to spells and effect that target a specific number of creatures (except for min-affecting)
takes +50% damage from area-of-effect spells
not vulnerable to wind effects
if reduced to 0 hp or knocked unconscious
Dark Discorporation ends and the invoker ends up in one of the squares he/she previously occupied.