You have learned to combine multiple energy effects to great advantage.

Spell Focus (evocation)

The Energy Gestalt feat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers. In every case, you must deal damage to one or more subjects with a pair of energy-based spells you cast in the same round, or 2 consecutive rounds.

Tactical Move Description
Acrid Fumes You cast an acid spell followed by a fire spell. The flames of your second spell turn some of the lingering acid into choking, sickening fumes. Any living creature damaged by both spells is nauseated for 1 round. Those who make a successful Fortitude save (DC based on the second spell) are sickened for 1 round instead. Treat this as a poison effect for the purpose of save bonuses and immunities.
Brittle Blast You cast a cold spell followed by a sonic spell. Any object or construct damaged by both spells takes +50% damage from the sonic spell, because its physical structure has been made brittle by the cold.
Improved Conduction You cast a cold spell followed by an electricity spell. The lingering cold more effectively conducts the electricity, temporarily fatiguing creatures. Living creatures damaged by both spells are slowed for 1 round (as the slow spell). Creatures that make successful Fortitude saves (DC based on the second spell) are fatigued for 1 round.