You throw yourself into the fray, using your spiked armor and spiked shield to tear your opponents to pieces.

The Blood-Soaked Charger feat grants you access to three special tactical maneuvers.

Spiked Avalanche: When you are using the charge (pounce) action while wearing spiked armor and carrying either a spiked shield or nothing in your hands, you throw yourself into the air, transforming yourself into a deadly, spiked projectile. You deal bonus extra damage equal to twice your Strength bonus.

Spiked Rebuke: When you are fighting defensively and carrying a spiked shield, you lash out at your foes with your shield in response to their attacks. Determine what your AC would be without your spiked shield and the AC bonus for fighting defensively. If an opponent's attack hits against this lower AC but misses against your actual AC, the foe strikes your shield, allowing you to deflect his attack in such a way as to leave him vulnerable to your counter. On your next action, you gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls against your chosen foe with your spiked shield.

Spiked Slam: As a full-round action when you are wielding a spiked shield, you can opt to make only a single attack at your best base attack bonus. You brace yourself behind your spiked shield, drive yourself forward, and slam into your foe. You enter your foe's space, which provokes attacks of opportunity. In return, your attack deals extra damage equal to twice your Strength and an additional amount based on your size (see below). After making this attack, you stumble back into the square you occupied just before making this attack. Until the start of your next turn, you do not threaten any squares. You cannot cleave off this attack.

Size Small Medium Large Huge Gargantuan Colossal
Additional Damage 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6 2d8 3d6